Answers to frequently asked questions.

Why does it fail when I use a } inside a multiline string?

There's a known bug in Rargs that I haven't been able to fix revolving the usage of } symbols without any leading whitespace. The current parser looks for the } symbol to close the current function body. Nonetheless, it's not uncommon in Bash to do somethong like this:

print_json() {
  cat <<-EOF | tee /tmp/example.json
  "something": "awesome"

This perfectly balanced Bash code will produce an erroneous built script, since it will consider the } used in the JSON object as the end of the function, thus creating a slew of issues.

There is a workaround, if you add a space or any other whitespace character (other than a new line) before the } then nothing will break. You could also try building your JSON object with some other tool, like jo.

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